
Songwriter Details

Writer Details

If the work is co-written, the other party may use the form HERE

Form 1. Writer Details.

Please include middle name (best for copyright registration)
Name you want to use as writer credits
If none - enter N/A
If as above - enter N/A or reenter name
If unknown - enter N/A
If unknown - enter N/A

Writer Biography

Biographies are important for the promotion of your songs. Without them, programme producers, presenter, disc-jockeys etc. have nothing to comment on and will likely omit the song from their playlist.

Short Biography.

About 100 - 130 words. (Word Counter HERE.)

Full Biography.

No limit on word count, as much information as you can provide.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files.

Song(s) Details

Form 3. Song(s) Details.

You can enter more that one genre, e.g. I WANT TO BE A SONGWRITER - POPULAR/ROCK, I AM A SONGWRITER - COUNTRY/FOLK etc.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files.
Max. file size: 32mb.


Form 4. Inspiration.

About 60 - 100 words. (Word Counter HERE.)