Music Rights Holder (Artist)




LP Cover

If you are the main Artist or a member of a group/band who are the main Artists or in any way contributed as a performer on a recording, you are entitled to Neighbouring Rights royalties which is what we are dealing with here.

Image of a Record

Interested parties in the music on the record.

• Songwriter
• Composer
• Publisher

An aspect we are not dealing with here.

If you are interested in having us represent you on this matter, please first read the agreement you will asked to sign. If then you are happy to go-ahead, complete and send the form opposite (below on mobile).
Agreement Button

We understand this form is quite comprehensive, the reason being; different societies require different details so we request as much as possible in one go.

Before you fill out the form

it would be a good idea to contact us as your situation may not be viable.

Call Brian (Dublin) at 087 280 1354
Email us

This information is required by the various societies to enable us to properly register you. Although sensitive to some, ‘date of birth’ is used as a code for identification purposes and proof of it is required in some cases (i.e. copy of passport).

Further information may be requested at a later time e.g. list of recordings on which you participated.

Fields marked * are mandatory.
Please include middle name or initial (best for identification purposes)
For Northern Ireland and the UK select:
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
from the drop-down menu above.
This is an identifying number used by your local tax authority. For example, in the Republic of Ireland this could be your PPS number, in the UK, a National Insurance number or, in the USA, a Social Security Number.
PLEASE ENTER ALL SOCIETIES you are a member of - If none-enter N/A
If unknown - enter N/A
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.